The GoodBye Chain Group
Legal Opinions and Contract Revisions…when liability looms  We are not a legal firm. But we’ve allied ourselves with some of the very best REACH, RoHS and WEEE legal specialists in the world.  These legal specialists know the law. They understand due diligence precedents.  And they can be enormously helpful in the many, many areas where you   could be liable. Areas of guidance include:· Delineating REACH, RoHS and WEEE’s legal requirements vs. business implications· Clarifying “put on the market” definitions · Clarifying your obligations based on your position in the supply chain
· Clarifying where you can shift your obligations to others in the supply chain
· Revising contracts with customers, suppliers and distributors· Building and documenting your due diligence defenseGCG has referred many customers to legal specialists. As part of our engagement with your company, we will gladly do the same.Key Questions:· Does your corporate attorney or external corporate counsel really understand the nuts, bolts and implications of RoHS, REACH and WEEE?· Would you sleep better if a legal specialist wrote your contract revisions?· To what degree would your due diligence case by strengthened by a lawyer who tracked due diligence case law?